Today I’m going to reveal how I build an Amazon Affiliate Site and took it to $4500+ in monthly profit within 4 Months.
(You’ll also learn the exact Onpage SEO and Offpage SEO tactics I applied to take this site to this level)
Wait, that’s not all 
In this case study, I will explain everything I did on this site, from keyword research to link building process.
But First, Let me Introduce my Amazon Affiliate Site…
I’m not going to hold back today. In fact, I want you to review my site, analyze it, and learn from it.
So, without further ado, here is the site:
It is in the “Tech, Computer and Gadgets” niche and as a student of Computer Science, I am extremely passionate about it. Other than that, I am not targeting any specific “Product Category”.
It is actually a “TOP 10” list type site.
Few other similar sites:
I started 10Beasts back in April 2016, purchased the domain on 29th of March and published my first article on 4th of April.
In these 4 Months, I have posted only 8 Articles and 1 Infographic.
Don’t believe me? See this…
In the first 3 months, it generated me $223.30 combined and received 905 unique visitors from Search Engines.
- April: $16.5 Earnings – 29 Unique Visitors
- May: $34 Earnings – 197 Unique Visitors
- June: $170 Earnings – 679 Unique Visitors
So, that was all about the first 3 months, Right?
Now my site was completely out of the Sandbox and my keywords were continuously moving up in the SERPs.
Why my keywords were moving up?
Because I was not praying only, but working my butt off. I was doing email outreach and was trying to build quality backlinks as much as possible in those 3 months. (I will explain it later in the Link Building Process below)
So, the JULY was finally here and most of my targeted keywords were on #1 position in Google.
Well, these results are from a single article. 10Beasts is also ranking on few other articles in the top 10.
Anyway, these are the keyword positions in SERPs but what about the traffic and earnings in July?
Here is a screenshot of the Traffic in July.
Earnings? Here comes the most interesting part of this case study.
I’m sure it will blow your mind, and curious you to read this whole CASE STUDY!
$4732.11 Bingoooo…
You know what?
I was just as amazed as you, to see that huge bump in the traffic and earnings. Well, all thanks to my link-building Efforts and of course my Prayers 
You can also learn all of these tactics inside AMZ Affiliate Bootcamp. That is one of the Top Notch course for Amazon Affiliate marketers out there.
Don’t forget to check it out.
So, that was all about my site. Now obviously you want to know, HOW I DID IT?
Let’s Dive right in…
Step 1
Keyword Research
I hope you’ll agree with me when I say:
SEO is nothing without Keyowrd Research. Period.
So, even before choosing my domain name, I started keyword research and followed these 3 Simple Steps
- Find your Passion and Choose your Niche
- Choose Product Category
- Analyze Competition and Generate Keywords
#1 Find your Passion and Choose your Niche
Choosing a niche isn’t a difficult task if you know, what you love doing. I always prefer to choose something you passionate about.
I am a Tech Enthusiast and love to read latest technology posts and I have subscribed to a lot of tech reviewers on Youtube.
In fact, I am a student and “computer” is my major subject. So, by choosing this niche, I will surely write better as compared to others.
After choosing my niche “Tech” and setting up my mind to write about Computer accessories and Latest Gadgets, I moved forward to choose Product Categories.
#2 Choose Product Category
Now it was time to choose Product Categories.
As I mentioned above, it was not a specific NICHE site. It was actually a “Top 10 Lists” based authority site. So, for each next article, I had to do keyword research again.
The first thing I had to do was to find the main broad categories, in which I can find my niche relative products.
To find those categories, I head over AliExpress Categories. Now you might be thinking why not Amazon Departments? See the screenshot below.
See, how well organized and detailed these categories are.
That is why whenever I want to find a Product Category, I jump towards AliExpress.
So, all of these categories fall under “Tech” niche. So, I didn’t go further deep inside, because I didn’t have to choose only ONE, I can pick all of those and write 1 article in each.
While planning for this authority site, I chose 10 categories to write in, even before choosing my domain name. I ended up choosing 5 High-Comp categories and 5 Low-Comp categories because I wanted to compete with some big giants.
For this case study, I will only talk about 2 of my articles which are doing great in SERPs. One of them is low-comp and the other one is high-comp.
- High-Comp: Wireless Router
- Low-Comp: 3d Pen
#3 Analyze Competition and Generate Keywords
Now, I was done with niche selection and also I have chosen the product categories for the first 10 articles.
Now it was time to generate keywords, analyze the competition and see how much monthly searches I will get. I always prefer to find the competition manually. However, Long Tail Pro and KWFinder are also great tools to analyze the competition.
I always follow this pattern to generate the keywords:
Best + [Product Category] + [Year]
I ended up with:
- Best Wireless Router 2016 (KC: 49, Monthly Searches: 8k)
- Best 3D Pen (KC: 29, Monthly Searches: 2.4k) – Skipped the year because of low monthly Searches
Alright, I hope you know how to find these monthly searches and other stuff, so I am skipping it and moving towards the Site Structure.
Recommended Guide: Ultimate Keyword Research Guide by Brian Dean
Step 2
Site Structure
The website structure plays an important role in enhancing User Experience and SEO.
Well, I always preferred a static homepage with 2-3k word well-researched content. A chunk of affiliate links in it and all that stuff.
But, for the first time, I used a widgetized homepage with an Optin box and only 2 latest posts.
So what was the change in it:
- No content on the homepage
- No affiliate links or any kind of external links on the homepage
- Only 2 latest posts and a big Optin Box
Why that change?
Well, it was just an experiment, and I think it worked. Google prefers the sites which doesn’t have that much content on their homepage.
For the main menu, I added a Blog page and 3 main “Broad Categories”.
Bottom menu includes all of the legal pages including About and Contact Page.
I added No-Index, No-Follow tag on all of the Taxonomies and Archives pages to prevent Internal Duplicate Content Issues.
WordPress Theme and Plugins
I am a die heart fan of StudioPress Genesis Framework.
For this authority blog, I chose Aspire Pro.
Why Genesis Framework?
- Integrated Schema
- Secured and Latest HTML 5 Coded
- Fast & SEO Optimized
Now, let’s talk about plugins.
I have 20 activated plugins but I am going to talk here about only of those which aren’t common.
Below you can find some of my favorite plugins which I am using on 10Beasts.
- Shortcode Ultimate: Well this plugin is love. It allows adding buttons, tables, lists, rows, columns, and much more in the content.
- Clicky by Yoast: Clicky is an analytics plugin but more easy to access and more helpful while analyzing real-time traffic as compared to Google Analytics.
- WP Smush: It decreases the image size and keeps the quality same. Helps in optimizing images.
- Tablepress: Allows to create tables with ease. I am using this plugin to create all of the tables. Shortcode ultimate also allows it, but I prefer tablepress because of the UX features it has.
- SEO by Yoast: Is there anyone who is reading this post and don’t know about SEO by Yoast? I don’t know if onpage SEO could be easier without this plugin.
Few more plugins but those are common.
Now the architecture of my website was set up.
The next thing I had to cover up was the content structure.
Step 3
Content Structure
Content structure is something which decides your conversion rate, user time on page, and bounce rate.
While writing your article, you need to keep 2 audiences in mind.
#1 Search Engines (Google, Bing…)
#2 Your Visitors
So, you need to take care for both of these, because you don’t have the choice.
One is sending you visitors, and the other one is filling your pockets.
I will talk about Search Engines in On-Page SEO Section.
For now, let’s only talk about the 2nd audience.
So, without wasting any further time, lets dive in.
#1 Article Introduction
Article introduction is very important as it will decide the behavior of the visitor.
A visitor will either stick and continue reading or will hit the “Back button” of the browser just after reading the first sentence.
So I made sure that the introduction of my article is good enough.
Just to let you know the power of article introduction, here is a small experiment.
I changed Introduction from this:
To this:
And want to check out the results?
That experiment was a massive success and improved the”Average Time on Page” by 500%.
… Isn’t it CRAZY?
So, always make sure to write a great introduction.
It will work for sure…
#2 Comparison Table
Comparison tables are great when it comes to conversion.
Just right after introduction, I include a simple yet powerful “Comparison Table”.
Most of your visitors don’t have the time to read your complete article.
So, what they do is try to find a table which lists all of the products you are reviewing in that specific article.
And if you don’t have one, you will probably loose a sale…
In fact, comparison tables are generating me most of the sales.
#3 Detailed Reviews
Now finally we are down to the Reviews.
I always make sure to write detailed reviews which convert into sales.
How to do that?
Let me explain with a small infographic…
1. Review Heading – Explain why you included that product
First of all, there are chances that your visitor is looking for a specific product.
So try to explain in the title that for which audience that product is good for.
In my case, I was writing an article about “Wireless Routers”.
So if you see the “Products Titles” in that article, you will find out something like this:
See, that how I explained that #4 is good for gamers and #8 is good for those who have a low budget…
2. Product Image
I always add an affiliate link to the product image.
And trust me they do convert very well.
3. Explain what is wrong in that product
This is very important.
I don’t keep praising every product I review but point out the bad factors in that specific product
It helps to build trust in the reader and generating more sales.
4. Pros and Cons
Lastly, before closing up the review, I included the pros and cons of that product.
For only 3 reasons:
- My visitors might be in the hurry, so they will make a decision just by reading pros and cons.
- It helps in increasing the word count of the article.
- Your article will look more professional and your visitor will trust you more.
So that was all about the detailed product review which I Prefer.. let’s move towards the buyer’s guide.
#4 Buyer’s Guide
So I was done with a sticky introduction, a comparison table, and detailed product reviews.
Now I am down to the Buyer’s guide.
As I mentioned, if you will give value to your visitors, you will surely increase your conversion rate and make way more money.
By including a buyer’s guide, you are actually educating your visitors about that product.
Just include the different parameters of the Product Category and define them.. explain those.
#5 Related Articles
Last but not Least…
Internal linking is very important and that is why I add “Related Posts” manually at the end of each article.
It helps a lot to pass the link juice.
So, that was all about the content structure.
Now let’s move forward to the On Page SEO.
Step 4
On-Page SEO
Now, it is time to optimize that article for the 1st audience.
The Search Engine Robots …
For one post, I target only “1” main keyword.
Since I write lengthy articles, more than 5k words, I rank for other LSI keywords and long tail keywords without targeting them.
That’s the beauty of Google Algorithm.
Now you must be wondering that how I did On-Page SEO on my articles.
I will explain it with an awesome Infographic.
#1 SEO Friendly URLs
So I made sure that all of my URLs are short and user-friendly.
#2 Starting the Title with the Targeted Keyword
I used to keep the targeted keyword in the beginning of Post Title.
#3 Add Multimedia
Of course, I add multiple images, videos, tables, and illustrations to enhance the SEO.
But adding the targeted keyword in the alt tag of your image will surely boost your OnPage and I always do that.
#4 Targeted Keywords in <h2> Heading
What’s wrong in adding your keyword in the H2 Subheading?
#5 Adding targeted keyword in the first 100 words
Adding the targeted keyword in the first “100 words” is absolutely beneficial to Google.
And to ensure the rankings, I never miss it…
In fact, I am naturally used to it.
#6 Adding Outbound Links
By adding relative outbound links, you are actually telling google that what your content is about.
So I always make sure to add outbound links to relative sites.
#7 Internal Linking
As I mentioned in the previous Step, that internal linking is very important to pass the link juice to other pages.
So, I add “Related Articles” manually at the end of each article.
#8 Post Long Content
Do I post long content?
You bet…
My average article length is 5000+ words.
#9 Boost Dwell Time
If a visitor land on your site and hit the back button within first 10 seconds, it gives a signal to Google about LOW-QUALITY CONTENT.
And the next story, you know it very well. Google will start pushing that article down in SERPs.
So to increase the “Avg. Time of User”, I did three things only.
- Wrote Long Content
- Engaging Introduction (As I mentioned above)
- Adding Small paragraphs, comparison table, images, and pros/cons.
With that said, I was done with the On-Page SEO and it was time to give a kickstart to this newly built site.
Step 5
Giving a Kickstart
Here comes the interesting part.
So, I was done with publishing my articles and my website was live.
Now, all I need was TRAFFIC…
So, to get the traffic, I started to provide social signals to my articles.
For this job, I chose
It is a 3 step process…
- Just tweet your article and pin it on Pinterest once.
- Add your tweet and pin on AddMeFast and start a retweet and repin campaign.
- Don’t overdo it, just do it slowly and steady (Less than 10 retweets and repins a day).
That is how I got that massive amount of social shares 
It helped me a lot to take my site out of the sandbox quickly.
Other than that, I made $16 the very first month from this site and credits goes to these social signals…
Step 6
Link Building
Finally, the Link Building Process.
If you want to take your Amazon Affiliate Site to the next level, you will have to build High-Quality links.
Now, it’s up to you which one you want to follow, black hat or white hat…
I am doing only White-Hat link building for this site.
So, today I am going to talk only about it.
Below you can find all of the tactics which I am applying to get Backlinks.
#1 Web 2.0 Submissions
Few of you might be thinking that Web 2.0 is dead but let me tell you that, NO IT’S NOT…
I hired a guy from BHW for this job, and sadly he submitted spun content on all of the links.
But surprisingly the turnout was AWESOME!
Bought that service for my low competition article “Best 3d Pen”.
I am ranking in Top 5 for every keyword which I was targeting for that article.
Anyway, I don’t recommend you guys to use that service, because of the spun content.
But I do recommend you to submit yourself and make sure to submit a unique and readable article every time.
#2 Guestographics
Now you must agree with me that Brian Dean is Genius…
He is, there is no doubt!
But for this strategy, I would like to give credits to Tung.
I came up with this Idea after watching a video on ThankYourSkin Case Study Update 3.
So, without wasting any further time, I created an engaging infographic and started email outreach.
I got 3 links so far, I will get more for sure, but need to get some time to work on it 
Also, I recommend reading this Guestographic Case Study.
Other than that, don’t forget to check out the In-Depth Course of Tung Tran called “AMZ Affiliate Bootcamp“.
#3 Forum and Blog Comments
There is nothing new here.
I joined the niche relevant Forums, find my product relevant threads and added a naked URL in the Comments.
Other than that, I posted comments on several blogs with homepage URL and the anchor text was “Edward Eugen”.
#4 Scholarship Program
Here comes the most Powerful technique.
Everyone knows that Google loves .edu Backlinks and you can get a chunk of backlinks by providing a Scholarship.
Of course, you can only do that if you have money in your pockets but that’s worth it.
In fact, I created a scholarship program on 10beasts and build nearly 50 High Quality .edu Backlinks.
See how good that thing is…
So, same question? How do I do that?
Well, it is a 3 Step Process, let’s dive in.
Step 1: Create a Scholarship Program on your Site
Firstly, create a page on your site which describes your scholarship.
Include all of the details, who can apply, what are the limitations, what are the requirements, and everything else.
Here is an example of my scholarship page.
Don’t copy mine.
Create yours and yeah most important “Create your scholarship relevant to your niche”.
Step 2: Find Universities that Link to External Scholarships
Finding the universities that link to outside/external universities isn’t a difficult task.
You can either do it using Google Strings.”scholarship”
Or you can also use ahrefs to crawl other scholarships and find their backlinks.
You can get a chunk of universities from there.
Step 3: Contact these Universities and tell them about your Scholarship
So, I am done with Scholarship page.
I have a list of Universities which might be interested in linking to my Scholarship Program.
All I have to do now is to contact them and let them know about my scholarship.
Here is a decent email template which I use:
Hello there,
I’m contacting you because of a Scholarship program for (School Name)students.
The name of this Scholarship Program is: “(name)”.
Here is a URL to our Scholarship: (scholarship page URL)
(Description of your Scholarship program)
Here is a brief list of our requirements:
- Requirement 1
- Requirement 2
I will appreciate if you feature our scholarship program to your website.
If you have any question, please let us know.
Thank you,
(Your Name)
(Your Name)
After getting links and successfully completing your Campaign, add internal links to your money page.
You can find a more detailed Scholarship Guide on Whitespark.
That is all. Easy Isn’t it?
#5 Blog Aggregators Submission
Blog Aggregators lists some quality blogs in different Categories.
One of the most famous is
Alltop is a DA 81 Aggregator and provides 6 dofollow links.
One to your homepage and five to your latest posts.
You can get yours by following these 3 simple steps.
- Find the Best Category which suits your site.
- Submit your site and confirm that you are the owner.
- Wait for approval.
That’s all.
You can find my site in the List Category.
Now It’s your Turn!
Now you have to learn from this case study and implement these strategies into your sites.
If you want to learn more, just join AMZ Affiliate Bootcamp.
Do let me know, how well I have written in the comments below since it is my first post here.
Don’t forget to share this AWESOME case studies with your friends.
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