Hello Everyone...! My name is Ridwan UL Haque i’m also a part of GOVT. Issued LEDP project and i’m glad that i’m part of this Educating mission. Several days ago one of my close Big brother name called Jakiul Hasan Salim said why don’t i post something interesting into LEDPEAN, I got curious and started writing something unique and updated so below info i give away to you all trainer and newcomer student. Have fun growing.....$
Using the internet to promote your business involves a lot more than setting up a website. All that time and effort spent in developing a fancy website does you no good if you cannot generate traffic. Generating traffic is not easy and the dump and run methods of tester years do not work any more. You have to develop a plan and then execute the plan step by step.We start with Social Media Marketing and then move over to traditional SEO as a secondary activity.
Generating organic traffic requires a slow but steady approach and our focus is on generating real traffic to your website. Traditional SEO focuses on moving you up in search engine results. Social Media Marketing focuses on generating organic traffic straight to your page or website, by that I mean real people visiting your site. Since search engines now highly value social traffic, quite often all this social activity results in better search engine rankings too.

-> The Basics – What You Need To Know.
1. The Changing SEO Landscape.2. The Three Pillars Of SEO.3. Google Penguin, Panda & Hummingbird.4. Google RankBrain Algorithm.5. Local SEO: An Overview.6. Mobile SEO.7. Considering Paid Search.

-> Strategic Thinking & Tactics for SEO & Online Marketing with Strategic Ways.
1. Keywords Research Best Practices.2. Making SEO and UX work Together.3. Getting to Know Your Audience.4. Turning Link Building into Link Earning Process.5. How Does Content and Inbound Marketing Fit Into SEO?6. Social Media Marketing in Relation to SEO?7. Content (core site content/blog/social).8. Technical aspects of SEO (crawl ability/indexation/page speed, etc.).9. Outreach/PR (promotion of content).10. Usability/CRO (conversion rate optimization).11. Analytics which tie it all together (focused on measurement of goals/12. Conversions/value of conversions).

-> Getting More Value Out of Your SEO and Digital Marketing Campaign.
1. What to Do When Things Go Wrong.2. Find Tools to Help Improve Your SEO Campaigns.3. Thinking Ahead: What’s Next in search.4. Use Google Analytic to Help Yourself Getting Traffic Estimate.5. Create A Survey Using The Working Projects info & Get Reviews that How people are Reacting From Your Website, Products, Services.6. Stay Up-To-Date Always.

-> Statics to Growing on Social Media:
-> Social Media profiles Setting up: * Creating social profiles * Consistent graphics and message -> Setting up a social calendar and assign responsibilities: * Planning the whole year in line with your seasons -> Launching Social Media Campaigns: Create Unique content * Consistent with your marketing campaigns * Making it interesting and compelling -> Metrics: See your viewers everyday and post uniquely. * What to measure : first know your audience * How to measure : Find tool to deep research, read useful article about audience scraping, then try to get new ideas and finally measure your value. -> Fine tune and repeat the process again and again.

-> Conventional SEO & Content Boosting Techniques To Drive Traffics:
Still a very important part of generating traffic to your website: Try to cover a wide area in conventional SEO including:-
1. Website analysis2. Competitive analysis3. Keyword research4. On-page optimization5. Website optimization6. Content generation7. Promoting content8. Link building9. Press Releases10. Videos· Podcasts11. Blogs· Forums12. Auto Responders13. CRM
Now Build A High Valued D-Marketing Strategies of Your Own Using Everything You Got. Different clients have different needs and different budgets. Should work technically to come up with a plan that will serve purpose within clients budget.
For new comers, In The Freelancing Area; I Would Say Do Not Give Up at Any Cost. If you guys want to Gain New Ideas then you should not waste time, read googles latest update news and try to research on those new changes and then you will get to figure out what search engine wants from a Digital Marketing Expert & how To Run a Full Scale Marketing Campaign.
Want to gain even greater knowledge check out partner site that I’m affiliated with -> Interloper, INC – Ecommerce.
Enjoy My writing....!
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